Events / Training

Release your limiting beliefs and clear resistance to change in this unique 4-part online program presented by Steve Wells

You'll learn to use this amazing emotional healing approach to:

Make positive changes with much less resistance;

Discover and clear limiting and blocking beliefs;

Access your inner power and confidence to change;

Experience the joy of true inner freedom and peace;

Achieve your important goals with less stress.

Join from the safety and comfort of your own home from anywhere in the world.

15, 22, and 23 February 2025 (4 hours each day)
(US/Canada dates: February 14, 21, and 22, 2025)
Two time options: Choose the workshop to suit your time zone!

This special 3-part workshop presented live online via zoom video, will show you how to use this exciting new emotional healing approach to release stress, overcome anxiety and create powerful positive changes.

Open to everyone who wants to learn this unique approach 

This workshop is open to anyone wanting to learn this powerful approach for self-help and also the first step if you would like to become a practitioner and help others.

A dynamic 6-month online group coaching program presented by Steve Wells

New Group Starting in September 2024 - Registrations Open NOW!

This program is for you if you want to learn to use this amazing emotional healing approach for self-development to:

Release stress, anxiety, sadness, anger, and fear'

Gain more inner peace, calm and clarity;

Reclaim your capacity to act with confidence;

Get moving and take action on your meaningful goals

Live life with more joy, more fun, and less stress!

New program commencing July 2024 - Registrations now open!

Presented by Steve Wells

This online training conducted live via zoom video will equip you with the essential understandings, principles and practices to use Intention Tapping / Intention-based Energy Process (IEP) effectively in your work with clients.

It is also the next step towards becoming certified as an Intention Tapping Practitioner for those who have completed introductory level training.

9 x live online sessions with Steve Wells via zoom video

Sessions will be interactive and will include a blend of theory and practice. Each session will likely include presentation of content (background, theory, principles and practice), client demonstrations, experiential exercises, whole group and small group practice modules with supervision, and plenty of interactive question and answer segments. And we’ll also have a lot of fun!

Formation aux Compétences Essentielles des Praticiens

Présenté par Steve Wells en anglais avec traduction en français
Presented by Steve Wells in English with French translation

Nouveau programme débutant en avril 2024

New Program starting in April 2024

Cette formation en ligne, donnée en direct via Zoom (vidéoconférence), vous permettra d’acquérir les connaissances, principes et pratiques essentiels pour utiliser efficacement l’Intention Tapping / IEP (Intention-based Energy Process) dans votre travail avec les clients.

This online training conducted live via zoom video will equip you with the essential understandings, principles and practices to use Intention Tapping / Intention-based Energy Process (IEP) effectively in your work with clients.

Steve Wells with laughing female client at a PET Workshop in Italy

Love, Laughter, and Liberation! (in Italy)

Lighten Your Life with Intention Tapping and Provocative Energy Techniques (PET)

Amore, Risate e Libertà!

Illumina la tua vita con Intention Tapping e Provocative Energy Techniques (PET).

Live face to face workshop in Italy with Steve Wells!

Create lasting emotional freedom with liberating laughter and warm-heartedness!

Impara come creare una libertà emotiva duratura con risate liberatorie, cordialità e divertimento!

Presented in English with Italian Translation

Desenzano at Lake Garda, Italy 18-20 October 2024
Steve Wells with laughing female client at a PET Workshop in Italy

Love, Laughter, and Liberation! (in France)

Lighten Your Life with Intention Tapping and Provocative Energy Techniques (PET)

Amour, Humour et Libération !

Allégez votre vie avec l’Intention Tapping et les Techniques Energétiques Provocatrices (PET)

Live face to face workshop in France with Steve Wells!

Atelier live avec Steve Wells en France

Create lasting emotional freedom with liberating laughter and warm-heartedness!

Presented in English with French Translation

Présenté en anglais avec traduction en français

Strasbourg, France, 4-6 October 2024
young lady on computer chewing pencil

Overcome Procrastination with Intention Tapping

A dynamic 4-session online program presented by Steve Wells

Learn the power of Intention Tapping and how to use it to:

Free yourself from fear, anxiety, and other emotional blocks;

Overcome limiting beliefs that have been keeping you stuck;

Release your resistance to taking action;

Free yourself to get things done.

Intention Tapping Niveau 1 en ligne en français (Level 1 in French)

Transformez votre vie et aidez les autres avec le nouveau Processus Energétique basé sur l’Intention (IEP)

par Steve Wells en anglais avec traduction française

Transform Your Life and help others with new Intention-based Energy Process (IEP)

Presented by Steve Wells in English with French translation.

4, 5 et 11 novembre 2023 (4 heures par jour) (4 hours per day)

Ce cours de 3 jours en ligne et en direct a pour but de vous apprendre à utiliser cette nouvelle technique de guérison émotionnelle destinée à créer de puissants changements positifs chez vous-même et chez les autres.

This special 3-part workshop presented live online via zoom video, will show you how to use this exciting new emotional healing approach to release stress, overcome anxiety and create powerful positive changes. 

A dynamic 4-session online group coaching program presented by Steve Wells

Learn the power of Intention Tapping and how to use it to:

Free yourself from the pain of self-doubt and the agony of indecision;

Release the need to be perfect and fear of getting it wrong;

Make difficult decisions more easily and with confidence;

Liberate yourself from the need to be liked and approved of by everyone;

Learn to trust yourself to choose and do what's right for you.

Surmonter le doute de soi avec

Intention Tapping ™

(Overcome Self-Doubt with Intention Tapping)

Un programme en ligne dynamique de 4 séances avec Steve Wells Présenté en anglais avec traduction française

A dynamic 4-session online group program presented by Steve Wells in English with translation into French

Au cours de 4 séances de 90 minutes d’enseignement et de coaching de groupe, en ligne et en direct par vidéo zoom, Steve Wells vous montrera comment l’Intention Tapping peut changer la donne pour vous libérer de la souffrance du doute de soi et développer la confiance en vous.

100% YES! Group Coaching to get Unstuck and say YES to Your Goals!

An exclusive group coaching program using Intention Tapping to help you become free to live your life your way.

Presented live online by Steve Wells

In this group coaching program you’ll learn how to use Intention Tapping to release the emotional and belief blocks that have been holding you back, so you can go for your goals 100%! Along the way you'll release your emotional attachments to false values and clarify your true values so that you can be free to live your life based on what you really want.

Wherever you are in your life, this program will help you to take it to the next level by unlocking your energy for positive action.

Tap into YES with Brad Yates & Steve Wells

Now You Can Get the Recordings of These Exceptional Tapping Events with Two World Tapping Experts!

Become the Person You Wish to Be… Overcome Whatever’s Been Holding You Back. Create the Life You Want to Live!

Brad & Steve combine their unique tapping approaches to help you free yourself to live the life you truly desire! 

Get instant access

to the recordings of all four workshops PLUS

follow-up sessions (over 40 hours of video!)

for the same rate as one event!

Steve Wells and Associates Pty Ltd

trading as Intention Tapping International

Phone: +61 (0)8 9271 9271

Postal Address: PO Box 54, Inglewood, Western Australia, 6932

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Intention Tapping ™ is a trademark of Steve Wells and Associates Pty Ltd.