
Releasing financial & other stress of Christmas & the holidays A lot of people experience financial stress at this time of year. Our US friends call it “the holidays” to acknowledge a wide range of religious and other observances. In Australia the focus for many of us is Christmas, which, rather than being a spirit-based… Releasing Financial & Other Stress of Christmas & the Holidays
Getting stuff done when you don't feel like it By Steve Wells Recently I was privileged to present two wonderful live workshops in France and Italy.  But one of them might never have happened. Not if it was up to my feelings.  Here’s what happened: I had excitedly prepared my newest workshop Love, Laughter and… Getting stuff done when you don’t feel like it
Below is the recording of a free 90-minute group coaching session conducted by Steve Wells where he shares and demonstrates with volunteers some simple self-help strategies for using Intention Tapping to release anxiety and calm your stressful emotions. Learn more about Intention Tapping in a workshop or group program: Intentional Living Group Coaching Program.  If… Detox Your Stress & Anxiety with Intention Tapping ™
Enregistrement du webinaire en français et en anglais: Mettez plus de légèreté dans votre vie grâce au Tapping de l'Intention et la Thérapie Provocatrice Energétique (PET) Webinar Recording in French & English: Love, Laughter and Liberation Bring more lightness into your life with Intention Tapping and Provocative Energy Therapy (PET) Dans ce webinaire gratuit, Steve… Webinar: Amour, humour et libération (Love, Laughter & Liberation)
Below you'll find the recording of a webinar conducted by Steve Wells on Intention Tapping for the Stress of Caring: Radical Self-Care for People who Care too Much. Are you a carer, coach, or helper who is so busy caring for others you neglect your own self-care? Find it hard to set boundaries or say… Intention Tapping for the Stress of Caring: Webinar Recording
Webinar Recording Below / Enregisterement ci-dessous (in English and italian) In this recording of a free webinar presented by Steve Wells in English and translated into Italian by Andrea Fredi, Steve shares How to Lighten Up Your Life with Intention Tapping and Provocative Energy Techniques (PET). In questo registrazione del webinar, Steve Wells ti mostrerà… Webinar: Amore, Risate e Libertà! (Love, Laughter and Liberation!)

Steve Wells and Associates Pty Ltd

trading as Intention Tapping International

Phone: +61 (0)8 9271 9271

Postal Address: PO Box 54, Inglewood, Western Australia, 6932

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