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If you would like to find a practitioner to help you resolve emotional issues and achieve your goals using Intention Tapping, we have practitioners in 12 countries worldwide. Many also work internationally via zoom.

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Become a Practitioner

Learn to use Intention Tapping to effectively and safely help clients to release the emotional attachments causing their suffering, restore their life energy to flow, and release their inner resistance to creating positive life changes.

You will also learn new skills for working with difficult clients and difficult issues.

Find out the process of becoming certified

What is IEP?

Intention-based Energy Process (IEP) is a revolutionary new emotional healing process developed by Steve Wells that uses specific definite intentions to target the emotional disturbances behind problems, often resulting in impressive emotional and energetic shifts. Intention Tapping combines IEP’s intentions with acupoint tapping for rapid and lasting changes.

A growing evidence base has found acupoint tapping to be effective for resolving anxiety, depression, and PTSD, and for pain relief.

How Does it Work?

The intentions used in IEP act as commands to your unconscious mind to release the emotional attachments behind your problems, to unblock the body energy disturbances and restore your life energy to flow. As a consequence, you gain immediate access to your inner strengths and resources for positive change. When tapping is combined with IEP, the tapping works in concert with the powerful intentions to harmonize the feelings in the body and bring you back into emotional balance.

This gentle and natural process often creates rapid positive shifts in thinking and feeling which are surprising and enduring.

Steve Wells and Associates Pty Ltd

trading as Intention Tapping International

Phone: +61 (0)8 9271 9271

Postal Address: PO Box 54, Inglewood, Western Australia, 6932

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Intention Tapping ™ is a trademark of Steve Wells and Associates Pty Ltd.