Intention Tapping™: libérer l'anxiété, trouver le calme, créer la clarté (Webinar Recording in French & English: Release Anxiety, Find Calm, Create Clarity) Dans ce webinaire inspirant et pratique, Steve Wells, créateur d'Intention Tapping (TM), vous montrera comment utiliser cette approche corps-esprit révolutionnaire pour libérer la véritable cause de votre stress et de votre anxiété :… Read More »Webinar: Intention Tapping™: libérer l’anxiété, trouver le calme, créer la clarté
It’s amazing how far acceptance of tapping has come in a few short years.The other day I woke to see that a friend had shared a clip from Eastenders, a British TV soap, where a character Amy uses EFT tapping for her difficult emotions. Then I came to work to learn that ACEP member Rick… Read More »Is Tapping at the Tipping Point?
Webinar Recordings: Stop Holding Yourself Back! How to get Unstuck and Say 100% YES! to Your Goals By Steve Wells In these recordings from his free webinars, Steve Wells, creator of Intention Tapping, shows you how to use this amazing approach to get over your inner blocks and barriers and get into action. Two webinars were… Read More »Free Webinars: Get Unstuck & Say 100% YES! to Your Goals
In this webinar Steve Wells, creator of Intention Tapping, outlines and demonstrates how you can use this new emotional healing process to free yourself from the stresses of living in a world which always seems to be at war, where everyone seems to be offended, angry, or upset at someone or something. Learn how Intention… Read More »Intention Tapping for Inner Peace Webinar Recording
By Steve Wells Often, we avoid taking action even on things that we know are important to us. There’s lots of reasons for that, some of which I explored in my course on Overcoming Procrastination with Intention Tapping (Get the recordings here). Today I want to give you some tips for using Intention Tapping to… Read More »What are you avoiding? How to get over it and get what you want.
Webinar: Tapping de l'Intention pour trouver la paix dans un monde incertain (Intention Tapping to find Peace in an Uncertain World - in French and English) Au cours de ce webinaire, Steve Wells présente son Intention Tapping Process (IEP) révolutionnaire, et comment il peut être appliqué rapidement et efficacement pour (re)trouver la paix dans ce… Read More »Tapping de l’Intention pour trouver la paix dans un monde incertain