Intention Tapping

Level 1 Online Workshops

Gain rapid relief from emotional stress with this unique approach

For self-help and for those who want to help others.

Live Online Workshops with Steve Wells

15, 22, and 23 February 2025 (4 hrs / day)

USA dates: February 14, 21, and 22

Two Time Options:

  • Workshop A: Australia, USA, Canada-friendly times
  • Workshop B: Australia, UK, Europe-friendly times
  • See below for full details of dates and times in your area

Join from the safety and comfort of your own home from anywhere in the world.

In this special 3-part workshop series, presented live online via zoom video, the creator of Intention Tapping / IEP Steve Wells will show you how to use this exciting new emotional healing technique to create powerful positive changes for yourself and others.

Using IEP you can quickly quiet your mind, calm your emotions, find your center, and access your inner resources.

This workshop is open to everyone who wants to learn Intention Tapping for self-help and for those who want to learn it to help others. It is also the first step for those who would like to become certified as practitioners in Intention Tapping / IEP.

Bonus: You will also receive the recordings of both workshops to view and review as many times as you like.

What You’ll Learn

In this engaging, practical and fun workshop, you’ll learn the foundational principles and techniques of Intention-based Energy Process (IEP), also known as Intention Tapping, and how to use it to free yourself and others from negative emotions and negative thought patterns.

You’ll learn how to use IEP to release emotional blocks that have been holding you back in key areas of your life, so you can be free to step up in your career, business, relationships, finances, health… whatever area you choose.

If you are a counsellor, coach, therapist, or energy practitioner you will learn how to use IEP to help your clients rapidly release their inner resistance to creating positive changes, and access their energy and power for change. You’ll leave with new skills for working with difficult issues.

“I was knocked out by how fast and versatile these processes are for shifting stuck and hard to work with difficulties… It’s fast, it’s simple and it allows your unconscious mind to do most of the work.”

– Andy Hunt, EFT International Trainer

What is IEP / Intention Tapping ™?

Intention-based Energy Process (IEP) is a new emotional healing process developed by Steve Wells that uses specific powerful intentions he discovered which, when directed to the unconscious mind often create impressive emotional and energetic shifts. Intention Tapping combines IEP’s intentions with acupoint tapping for rapid and lasting changes.

A growing evidence base has found acupoint tapping to be effective for resolving a range of conditions including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Intention Tapping also incorporates elements of mindfulness, imaginal exposure, breathing retraining, relaxation techniques and other evidence-based approaches.

How does it work?

Intention Tapping / IEP targets the emotional attachments and body energy disturbances behind emotional problems, rather than just focusing on the thoughts themselves.

This gentle and natural process often creates rapid positive shifts in thinking and feeling which are surprising and enduring.

IEP’s intentions act as commands to your unconscious mind to release the emotional attachments to distressing thoughts, unblock body energy disturbances that have become connected to that, and restore your life energy to balance and flow.

As a consequence, you rapidly regain access to your inner strengths and resources for positive change.

When tapping is combined with IEP, the tapping works in concert with the powerful intentions to harmonize the feelings in the body and bring you back into emotional balance.

“I am doing the IEP with clients with outstanding results. The process is so fast, so causative, so moving and astonishing. I worked with a variety of topics and also friends with years-long experience with traditional tapping. The unanimous opinion is: brilliant tool…“

– Kerstin Warkentin, Deputy Chair of EFT DACH (EFT Assoc for Germany, Austria & Switzerland)

How will the workshop work?

We’ll meet live online via zoom video, where everyone can see and interact with each other just like in a live workshop. All you’ll need is an internet connection and a laptop, device or computer with camera and microphone.

Steve will teach you how to use Intention Tapping for self-help and to help others via live demonstrations, experiential exercises, and small group practice sessions, with plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions and to experience and practice the techniques.

First, you’ll learn tapping using Simple Energy Techniques (SET), and how to use it to relieve negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, guilt, anger, grief, past hurts, and also for pain relief.  SET evolved from Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and is more user-friendly and efficient. This gentle and natural approach of tapping on energy points on the body often brings significant emotional and physical relief.

Next, you’ll learn the core intentions of Intention-based Energy Process (IEP) and how to combine them with SET tapping: Intention Tapping. You’ll learn how to apply IEP / Intention Tapping to release the emotional triggers and hooks behind emotional issues, restore clarity and calm, and access inner resources. You’ll also learn the basic principles and practices for applying IEP to help others and how this can be combined with other techniques in coaching, counselling and therapy.

Steve will also touch on Provocative Energy Techniques (PET) and how it can be combined with IEP and SET to enhance the results. PET is an advanced approach that combines tapping with provocative language patterns and a strong heart connection to create deep changes through warmth, humor and liberating laughter. Although this is not a PET Workshop, by observing Steve you’ll see powerful ways to overcome resistance, use humor, create strong heart connections, and bring rapid relief to core issues. Those who wish may choose to pursue further training in this approach.

You’ll leave with new techniques and tools to free yourself (and others) to achieve your goals and enjoy life without fighting yourself to do it.

Who is it for?

You, or anyone you help who is affected by fear, anxiety, grief, guilt, past trauma and hurt, limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, or procrastination.

Coaches, counsellors, therapists, EFT/tapping practitioners, & people helpers who wish to improve their results with clients and learn new techniques for overcoming resistance and creating lasting change.

This workshop is also the first step towards certification as a practitioner in Intention Tapping / IEP. Find more about practitioner certification here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must have a working sense of humor and be unconcerned with politically incorrect language as PET deliberately plays with stereotypes and challenges rigid thinking patterns to get you thinking and feeling in new ways.


Steve Wells is an internationally recognised leadership coach and peak performance consultant from Perth, Western Australia. He regularly consults and presents unique personal development and professional training programs worldwide.

Steve worked in several specialist psychology and leadership roles prior to starting his own training and development business in 1996. He is a pioneer in Energy Psychology and has been teaching and researching EP Techniques for the past 26 years. He conducted the first randomised control trial of EFT for treating specific phobias.

He is co-creator (with Dr. David Lake) of Simple Energy Techniques (SET) and Provocative Energy Techniques (PET), and developer of Intention Tapping / Intention-based Energy Process (IEP).

Steve is author of 100% YES! The Energy of Success and co-author of 5 other books, including Enjoy Emotional Freedom and New Energy Therapies. Steve’s workshops are always inspiring and filled with practical techniques you can use immediately to get better results – with less stress

Workshop Details

Dates and Times: This level 1 workshop runs over 3 days, 4 hours each day, with breaks.

Workshop A: US, Canada, Australia & NZ-friendly times: 

Dates and Times in Australia and similar time zones:

Saturday 15 February, Saturday 22 February, and Sunday 23 February 2025.

Perth: 8.30am - 12.30pm each day | Sydney, Melbourne: 11.30am - 3.30pm

Dates and Times in USA and Canada:

February 14, February 21, and February 22, 2025

4.30pm-8.30pm Pacific time / 7.30pm - 11.30pm Eastern time

If joining from another country use this time converter to see the times and dates of workshop A Day 1 in your area. If these times don't suit, see details of Workshop B below.

Workshop B: Europe, UK, & Australia friendly times:

  • Saturday 15 February, Saturday 22 February, and Sunday 23 February 2025
  • Perth, West Australia: 3.30pm - 7.30pm each day | Brisbane: 5.30pm - 9.30pm
  • Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra: 6.30pm - 10.30pm each day
  • London: 7.30am - 11.30am each day | Brussels, Berlin, Rome, Paris: 8.30am - 12.30pm

If joining from another country, use this time converter to see the date and times of Workshop B Day 1 in your area. If these times don't suit, see details of Workshop A above.

Bonuses for Early Sign-up

You receive instant access to the following program recordings valued at over $499 when you sign up now

The Power of Intention Tapping

In this inspiring and engaging 4-part program, you'll learn how to use Intention Tapping to change your life.

Overcome Self-Doubt

Learn how to use Intention Tapping to overcome self-doubt and move forward with confidence.

Overcome Procrastination

Learn how to use Intention Tapping to overcome procrastination and take action to live your values and achieve your goals.


Use this Contact form to contact us via email

Technology: We will be using Zoom video. You’ll need to download the latest zoom application prior to the first session from

You will be responsible for connecting with the calls, and having working video, microphone and speakers. If a call doesn’t happen due to a problem on our end, another call will be scheduled.

Recording and Participation: Calls will be recorded. By participating, you give permission to being recorded without any claim to compensation. Also, recordings are not guaranteed so you are highly recommended to attend the sessions live.

Participation in this workshop is contingent on your acknowledging that you take full responsibility for your own mental, emotional and physical health. You also must acknowledge that some of the techniques used are still considered experimental with no guaranteed outcomes for any particular user. You further agree to consult your physician or professional therapist regarding your participation in the workshop and use of the techniques if you are dealing with mental or physical health issues.


Register in Australian Dollars:

  • Discount Rate: $297 (Register by 31 January)
  • Full Fee: $397 (if you register after 31 January)
  • Indicate your chosen workshop on the checkout form

Register in US Dollars:

  • Discount rate: $237 (Register by 31 January)
  • Full Fee: $297 (if you register after 31 January)
  • Indicate your chosen workshop on the checkout form

Cancellation policy: No refunds, however your place is transferable to another person subject to prior written notification and confirmation by us.

Important Requirements: 

Technology: We will be using Zoom video conferencing which is like a live workshop where you can see everyone else in the group. You’ll need to download the latest zoom application prior to the first session from

You will be responsible for connecting with the calls, and having working video, microphone and speakers. If a call doesn’t happen due to a problem on our end, another call will be scheduled at a future date on same day of week and time and you will be advised.

Recording and Participation: Calls will be recorded. By participating in the calls, you give permission to being recorded. Also, recordings will only be provided technology willing and are not guaranteed so you are highly recommended to attend the sessions live.

Participation in this workshop is contingent on your acknowledging that you take full responsibility for your own mental, emotional and physical health. You also must acknowledge that some of the techniques used are still considered experimental with no guaranteed outcomes for any particular user, just because results have been positive for others does not mean they will be for you. You further agree to consult your physician or professional therapist regarding your participation in the workshop and use of the techniques if you are dealing with mental or physical health issues

Steve Wells and Associates Pty Ltd

trading as Intention Tapping International

Phone: +61 (0)8 9271 9271

Postal Address: PO Box 54, Inglewood, Western Australia, 6932

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Intention Tapping ™ is a trademark of Steve Wells and Associates Pty Ltd.