In this inspiring and practical 75-minute webinar, Steve Wells, creator of Intention Tapping, shows how you can use this powerful mind-body approach to release your stress, anxiety, and worry over troubling world events and find inner peace. The session includes a demonstration of Intention Tapping with two volunteers.

Want to learn more about Intention Tapping?

This is the special offer I made on the webinar:

The Intention Tapping Home Study Mega Package includes recordings of 6 Intention Tapping Programs as well as 2 bonus programs, over 60 hours of video accessible for a heavily discounted rate via the following links:

Full Payment:

Monthly Pay:

Details of the next Intention Tapping level 1 Live Online Workshop can be found at:

Want to learn more?

To learn more about Intention Tapping click here

To find out about training in Intention Tapping click here

7 Replies to “Intention Tapping for a Worrying World Webinar Recording”

Kathryn Vaughn

Thanks soooo much Steve! This was tremendously helpful!!

Steve Wells

You’re welcome Kathryn, I’m glad you found it helpful.


I just looked at the webinar today, my husband looked live. Very usefull and we bought the package in mounthly payment. Happy with that! Thank you, lovely tapgreetings from us, Esther and Patrick 🥰

Steve Wells

Hi Esther, I’m glad you were both able to enjoy it, I’m sure you’ll get a lot out of the bonus recordings! Warmly, Steve


Thank you for all the good work you do. What a timely webinar! I love the humour in your interactions with your guests – it helps enormously.

Steve Wells

Hi Inger, Thanks for your lovely feedback and you are very welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed it and found it helpful. Warmly, Steve

Christina Hurst-Prager

Dear Steve
I have just now become aware of this webinar…thank you for it! It is so helpful to ‘protect’ ourselves from all the ‘ain’t it awful’ talk, wanting to pull the listener on their side…for whatever reason…
at this point it is the increase of interest rates, general rise of cost of living… I actually find this a great chance to become aware of what we really need, instead of mindlessly buying, just because the advertisers tell us we cannot live a full and satisfactory life without their product…it will not only help our own budget, but also the planet, with its soil, water and air…. a lot less of poising them when consuming and as a result less production and less rubbish etc etc….
I am releasing the emotional attachment to the need to ‘keep up with the Jones’…. :-).
Greetings from Switzerland

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